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FlexSDS Dashboard

Launch FlexSDS Scale-out storage WEB management platform, the home page is dashboard, user can also click Home->Dashboard to launch the storage cluster dashboard page.

The dashboard shows the current storage cluster’s active status:

  • Nodes, shows online nodes and total nodes, if 2 of 3 nodes are alive, it will show Nodes 2/3.
  • Total Capacity, in cluster mode, it will show total capacity of all nodes, in standalone mode, will show total capacity of the current node.
  • Free Space, in cluster mode, it will show total free space of all nodes, in standalone mode, will show free space of the current node.
  • Total Volumes, total volumes created in the cluster.
  • IO Performance, in the chart view, deep blue line indicate read speed, and blue line shows write speed, unit is MB/s.
  • Storage Pool usage, in the middle right of the dashboard, it shows four highest used storage pools, shows how many percents of space used.
  • Top four nodes, show up to 4 nodes, user can select one node, Dashboard will show CPU, Memory and Back-ends usage on the right side.

The Dashboard will automatically refresh in every a few seconds, user can also click Update Now link or refresh the whole page to manually updates.

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